Haiti Center for Sustainable Reconstruction & Development

ADIHA Team: Rudolf J. Gedeon, Gardy Phillipe
Status: Active

ADIHA is part of a consortium establishing a Center to serve as a unique resource for the Caribbean region. It will encourage a multi-disciplinary research program focused on disaster risk reduction that covers engineering, architecture, physical planning, public policy and public administration. The Center will offer a diverse curriculum of courses for a variety of audiences, including professional courses for university students, continuing education for practicing professionals, resources for hands-on technical and vocational training, and outreach programs for the nation’s building industry, government and non-government agencies. Plus, an onsite library will host training materials on construction practices. Members of the consortium include the National Institute of Building Sciences, the State University of Haiti, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners, National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians, Institute for Building Technology and Safety, Witt Associates, and California Polytechnic University College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

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